An Important Mountain Of Attention Buffer Property Is Available For Purchase
11615 & 11625 Seigler Springs Road North, Loch Lomond, California, 95461
A Call to Devotees to Help Protect this Holy Domain

In 1995, after returning to the Mountain Of Attention after 6 years away, Bhagavan Adi Da visited the Man of Radical Understanding retreat center property, for the first time, which was part of 200 acres that had been acquired to extend and protect the core part of the Sanctuary. At the time He pointed to the publicly-owned properties bordering this northern part of the Sanctuary and said that these properties should be acquired by the community of devotees.
This remark, and others that He made at the same time, made clear the importance of protecting our sacred lands and the responsibility that devotees collectively had to ensure that.
This responsibility has become acutely apparent with the application to establish a legal cannabis grow on an 80 acre property that directly borders the Sanctuary at Tall Animals Land for 2,695 feet. About the same distance borders a devotee-owned property on the north boundary. The owners of this property are proposing to install 88,000 square feet of hoop houses which would allow for 8,000 plants using 48,000 gallons per day during the 6 month growing season, when it barely rains at all.
The well they are proposing to use is situated at the head waters of Seigler Creek, named Laughing Man Creek by Adi Da, which flows by the main well for the Sanctuary, and through the Sanctuary, including right by Holy Cat Grotto.
We simply cannot allow the risk that this level of usage might undermine the water supply for the Mountain Of Attention, when Lake County has been experiencing, in recent years, diminishing flows from aquifers and dropping well levels quite commonly.
Access to the property is by way of an easement through the Sanctuary, and we can expect the disturbance of increased traffic for what is an industrial scale operation.
Devotees are investing themselves locally in opposing the approval of the cannabis grow by the county, but ultimately the real protection from this threat is for members of the Adidam community to own the property. The purpose of this website is to present that possibility, as we know the current owners are open to selling it because of the challenges they have run into with receiving approval of their operation.
The property itself has wide ranging views over the Sanctuary especially The Man of Radical Understanding, including the horse pastures, the original First Room Theatre tent site, the lake and the camel gardens but also over what we call the “bowl” property where Red Sitting Man is located and the Shenandoah village where so many devotees live is also visible.
There are different sloping levels but several acres are level or gently sloped which would make it appealing to develop housing, or indeed, less intrusive gardening or farming than commercial cannabis.
There is a 40 gallon per minute well that has been recently dug to a depth of 360 feet.
There are roads throughout the property.
The vegetation is primarily native oaks, but there are all kinds of native species as part of the property.
While the property is not officially for sale, we suggest an opening offer of $350,000 would not be unreasonable.
If you might be interested in helping to protect our beloved Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary by purchasing this property, including as a part of a group effort, please contact Timothy Toye, 707-928-5912, on email on the Matrix, or